If you are someone that either played the whole of the Hogwarts Legacy game or just watched someone else play it and have questions about how your journey in the game ended then this article is great for you.

Spoiler Alert! This article will explain everything there is to know about the cinematic conclusion to Ranrok’s Rebellion in your final Hogwarts Legacy mission, The Final Repository.
Spoiler Alert!This article will discuss the ending to the game Hogwarts Legacy |
Inside the Final Repository
Once you’ve managed to pass all four of the Keeper Trials in the main storyline and earn the trust of the Keepers then they’ll finally reveal the entrance to the final dark magic repository build by the House Elf Bragbor for Isidora Morganach, you would have learn about the partnership between these two whilst playing the quest called In The Shadow of the Mountain. The dark magic repository will be located underneath the Map Chamber itself, below the foundations of Hogwarts.
When you arrive at this location and start your adventure through the caverns towards the final repository you will have to be careful because Ranrok’s Loyalists will be one step ahead of you here, which means that you’ll need to fight against Goblins and Trolls as you push on. You will get to a point in your journey where all may seem lost and you may feel outmatched, but at this moment other Professors of Hogwarts will all arrive and help you win the battle and distract the remaining enemies so that you are able to slip past unnoticed.
After progressing a little bit further and then defeating two large Pensieve Guardians, who have been positioned right outside of the final repository, by using the Keepers’ Wand, both you and Professor Fig will head into the cavern that is housing the magical container and discuss what you want to do with it. It is at this point in your quest where there’ll be a minor branching path, on whether you decide to keep the magic contained or instead open it and wield the power for yourself. Based on the choice you make here, you will then either receive the “good” or the “bad” ending.
After you make your decision and have Professor Fig either agree or disagree with you based on your dialogue choice, Ranrok will arrive into the chamber right behind you and will be wielding Professor Fig’s wife, Miriams, wand.
Once Ranrok has insulted Miriam you’ll witness him cast a devastating spell that will destroy the final repository and free the dark magic within. This dark magic that had been freed is then absorbed by Ranrok and causes him to take an entirely new form, the form of a red spectral dragon.
In this dragon state, Ranrok will perform a number of deadly attacks against both you and Professor Fig, where the final attack will cause debris to fall from the ceiling of the cavern and seemingly crush and kill Professor Fig. Once you’ve witnessed this tragic event you’ll fall down a slope, where you will then begin your final battle against Ranrok.
After you’ve managed to defeat Ranrok in this tough battle, the cavern will still continue to crumble down and the dark magic seems impossible to control and this next step that you will take will depend on which dialogue choice you picked earlier when you spoke with Professor Fig.
Good Ending (Keep it Contained)
If you had previously chosen the option to keep it contained, you’ll then try to stop the chamber from falling to pieces, but you’ll fail and at the moment that you may get your hopes up Professor Fig will emerge and save the day. After becoming more confident in your abilities and strength, you then cast a very powerful spell that’ll absorb all of the escaped dark magic back into a new repository container.
After you manage to do this you’ll witness Professor Fig collapsing from all the wounds he had sustained during the battle. You will give him Miriam’s wand and he’ll then tell you that Miriam would’ve loved you and also that the Wizarding World will be safe in your hands, before he sadly passes away.
Bad Ending (Open the Repository)
On the other hand, if you chose the other option, which would be to open the repository and harness the dark magic yourself, you will have to cast spells at this escaped dark magic by yourself until it finally surrenders to your will. After this your character’s eyes will flash red and you’ll cast an extremely powerful spell that draws the remaining dark magic into a repository. In this scene Professor Fig doesn’t come to help you as he is already dead from the debris earlier, so you go and pick up Miriam’s wand and thank her before you finish off by controlling the wisps of dark magic floating around the room.
Saying Goodbye to Professor Fig
It doesn’t matter which one of the choices regarding the repository you choose because in the end the fight is over. After you complete the main storyline of the Hogwarts Legacy game you will have defeated Ranrok and his rebellion, as well as the immediate threat of dark magic out in the wizarding world, which then means that you will be able to return to Hogwarts to finish your classes for the remainder of the school year. When you do return to Hogwarts after this huge final battle you’ll join your fellow Hogwarts students and professors in the Great Hall so that you can all share a moment of reflection and remembrance for Professor Fig by raising a glass in his name.
Even though the storyline is over after this point in the game there is still one final ceremony in the school year that you’ll partake in and that is the House Cup. Since you arrived at the Hogwarts school as a new student your reputation has skyrocketed. With the fact that your reputation has risen tremendously and that Hogwarts has been saved thanks to your efforts, Professor Weasley awards an additional 100 points to your House in the last moments of this ceremony, which then causes your House to win the House Cup.
Final Words
So, in conclusion there is nothing that you can do at the end of the game or even before these events that will stop Professor Fig from passing. You will just have to choose between which endings you may like better, which just comes down to personal preference.