Music Ally reports that Spotify is now shutting down its Clubhouse competitor, Spotify Live, the service where users could start their own audio broadcasts and allow listeners to participate in the conversation.

Spotify Live

A spokesperson for Spotify tells Music Ally that they are now shutting down Spotify Live:

After a period of experimentation and learnings around how Spotify users interact with live audio, we’ve made the decision to sunset the Spotify Live app. We believe there is a future for live fan-creator interactions in the Spotify ecosystem; however, based on our learnings, it no longer makes sense as a standalone app.

Spotify Live was launched as Spotify Greenroom in 2021 after Spotify acquired Betty Labs and their Locker Room service for 57 million euros the same year. Around the same time, several Clubhouse clones were launched, but interest in audio services for social media apps seems to have dwindled somewhat after the pandemic began to subside.

Dainan Gilmore is an enthusiastic expert in cybersecurity and works as a Cryptanalyst for Gadget Advisor.

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