Hogwarts Legacy is a game that boasts all of the different enemy types for you to face and battle against. So it is only expected that you would be able to use a lot of different spells as well, which you will be able to learn as you progress through the game.

How to change spells in Hogwarts Legacy

In this article you will find all the information that you need to know about changing spells and charms as well as how to get more Spell Sets that you’ll be able to switch between at any given time during the game. 

How to Change Your Spells

When you hop into the Hogwarts Legacy game you’ll see that you are only able to have four spells active, on your action bar. To see which spells that you currently have active for your character all you’ll need to do is check the bottom right of your screen. 

If you’re wanting to change these you’ll just need to press the Right D-Pad, if you are on a console, or T, if you’re playing on PC, in order for you to bring up all of the spells that you have unlocked so far in your Hogwarts adventure. Then once you have access to your unlocked spells you’ll just need to hold RT, for Xbox players, or R2, for PS players, and then use the D-Pads controls to pick which set you want to edit, and then hover over whichever spell or charm you want to equip and then press the corresponding slot button to finally activate it into your action bar. 

drag and drop the spells

For the Mouse and keyboard players out there it will be a bit different as you will just have to drag and drop the spells into the slots that you want to use. 

Then when you are fighting against foes and want to have access to a different Spell Set, all you’ll have to do is either scroll up or down, if you are on PC, or hold RT/R2 and press the corresponding D-Pad, for the players playing with a controller. 

How do you get more Spell Sets

In Hogwarts Legacy you’ll quickly realise that the spells that you have are easily your best friends as they will make the most difference whether you’re in the middle of a battle, solving puzzles or just making your overall Hogwarts Legacy experience a little bit easier. The problem is that only having four spells active at a time can get a little boring pretty fast in this game. 

The good thing about this is that this problem can actually be solved, as you’ll be able to not only add one but two extra sets of spells once you reach level 5. You must also remember that in order to do this you will also need to complete the Jackdaw’s Rest main quest, so that you unlock the Talent tab. A cool thing about coming back to this quest at a later level is that all the talent points, which you have gained up until this point, will still be made available to you automatically, so you don’t have to worry about completing this quest as soon as possible. 

Core talent tree

Then once you’ve gone and completed the Jackdaw’s Rest main quest you’ll need to open your newly acquired Talent tab and head over to the Core talent tree. Then you’ll need to use the talent points that you have acquired up until this point for the Spell knowledge 1 and Spell Knowledge 2, found underneath the Level 5 talents. Then you’ll have to wait till you’re level 16, in order to get the last Spell Set by unlocking Spell Knowledge 3.

equip up to 16 total spells

Then after this you’ll be able to equip up to 16 total spells at any given time during the game. Even though this may seem a lot you should still try and make it as efficient as you can and have different sets for different purposes. An example of this would be to have one set as your main combo, one just for utility and one for the Room of Requirement and so on. 

Final Words

So, there you have a full guide as to how to change spells and also how to increase your Spell sets to make sure that you are as well equipped as you can be at all times during the game. Remember that having the right spells could be the difference between life and death in this game so be sure to have the best arsenal of spells that you can.

Leo Beamers is an aspiring car collector born and raised just outside of the city in Cape Town and his interests include gaming, fast cars and enjoys cycling on the weekends.

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