Eye Chests are special because compared to the normal chests they aren’t marked out on the map and when you open them you’ll either get some very cool gear or a large amount of gold to fill your pockets.

This article will take you through where each of the Eye Chests are hidden in the Hogwarts Castle, which will definitely be very helpful as you go checking off this list to make sure that you have opened each one. 14 of the Eye Chests can be found, hidden around the castle just waiting to be opened and looted of their large amount of money.
Library Annex Eye Chests
Eye Chest #1
The first Eye Chest you will find is located in The Library Annex and to get to this one the fastest you should fast-travel to the Library Floo Flame. Then after you’ve fast-travelled and respawned you’ll then need to make your way through a set of iron gates and then take the stairs down. After you’ve taken these stairs you’ll see an Eye Chest positioned beside a couple of bookshelves.
Eye Chest #2
For the second Eye Chest you’ll need to use the Floo Flame at the Greenhouses at The Library Annex. Once you spawn in this new location you should then head on over down the centre path, down the stairs near the tree. After some time of walking this path should lead you directly to the next chest.
Eye Chest #3
In order for you to locate this Eye Chest you’ll need to fast-travel to the Divination Classroom Floo Flame in The Library Annex, to ensure that you don’t waste any time on walking. Then once you spawn you’ll want to walk up the wooden stairs that you see and just follow this path. Then you should be able to see the Eye Chest at the very end of the walkway.
Bell Tower Wing Eye Chests
Eye Chest #4
For the first Bell Tower Wing Eye Chest you’ll want to fast-travel to The Map Chamber, located in the Secret Rooms. Once you spawn at this fast-travel location you’ll then want to instantly turn around and proceed up the stairs. Once you’ve reached the very top of these stairs, you’ll find that on the south side of the room will be the chest.
Eye Chest #5
In order to get to this chest you’ll have to fast-travel to the Beast Classroom, which is located in The Bell Tower Wing. when you spawn in there will be a set of stairs, directly in front of you, which you will have to traverse up. Once you reach a set of double doors you’ll want to make a right and this path will lead you directly to the fifth Eye Chest.
Eye Chest #6
In order to get to this chest location fastest, you’ll first need to fast-travel on over to the Bell Tower Courtyard, located within The Bell Tower Wing. immediately when you spawn into this new location you will need to make a left and then follow the set of stairs in front of you. Once you’ve made it to the top of these stairs you’ll be met with a hallway and at the end of it you will find the sixth Eye Chest.
Eye Chest #7
When looking for this Eye Chest you’ll want to be in The Bell Tower Wing, and to make it there the fastest way possible you’ll want to fast-travel to the Hogwarts North Exit first. Then once you make it here you’ll want to make a full 180 degree turn and make a left in the direction of the stairway. Once you’ve reached this stairway and walked to the top you will then have to make another left and walk through the closed door. Once you’ve followed all of these directions you’ll finally find the Eye Chest, in the room next to the windows.
Great Hall Eye Chests
Eye Chest #8
In order to find the first Eye Chest, found in the Great Hall, you’ll need to fast-travel to a place in the castle, called the Viaduct Courtyard. Then once you spawn into this new location you’ll want to head up a set of stairs which will be on your right and then make another right on towards the next stairway, which is leading upwards. Then you’ll need to follow this path upwards and it should lead directly to the next Eye Chest, found right in the corner.
Eye Chest #9
In order to find this Eye Chest you’ll need to fast-travel to the Viaduct Courtyard, in The Great Hall, again. Then once you’ve spawned you just need to make your way down towards the tree in front of you and then when you get there you should see a werewolf statue. Make your way over to this statue, because next to it will be a door, which leads to the Underground Harbour. Then once you get into this hidden harbour the chest will be located on your left as you enter.
Grand Staircase Eye Chest
Eye Chest #10
In order to acquire what this chest is hiding you’ll need to fast-travel to the Lower Grand Staircase, which lies in The Grand staircase area. Then once you’ve gotten her you’ll then need to walk down the flight of stairs in front of you and make a left to the statue. As you continue to the top you’ll then see the Eye Chest looming in the corner of this room.
Astronomy Wing Eye Chest
Eye Chest #11
In order to find the location of this hidden chest you’ll need to be in The Astronomy Wing, and to get there the fastest you should fast-travel to the Defence Against the Dark Arts Classroom. Then after you’ve spawned in you should walk down the stairs and then make a left turn. After proceeding for a bit after this turn you should come across a wizard statue, and the Eye Chest should be right next to it.
Eye Chest #12
Once again, the location of this Eye Chest will be in The Astronomy Wing and in order to find it you should first fast-travel to Professor Fig’s Classroom. Then once you’ve spawned in again you will then have to enter the room, located right next to the Floo Flame that you fast-travelled to, and in this room you’ll find the chest, near the window at the end of the restroom.
Slytherin Dungeon Eye Chest
Eye Chest #13
Before you even start looking for this chest you need to make sure that you have Alohomora at level 2. Once you’ve made certain that you have this you’ll then need to unlock the level 2 door in the Slytherin Dungeon. Then once you’ve made it into this room you’ll find the Eye Chest in the corner of the room, on your right-hand side.
South Wing Eye Chest
Eye Chest #14
Then finally the last Eye Chest is located in the Faculty Tower, which is found in The South Wing. in order to be able to get to this chest you will first have to unlock the level 3 door. Once you’ve managed to unlock the door and get into the room you’ll find the last Eye Chest in the corner of the room.
Final words
So there you have the secret locations of all of the Eye Chests hidden in the Hogwarts Castle, happy hunting.