As you play Hogwarts Legacy you will soon find out that there is only one protection spell in the game. So it would be in your best interest if you were to focus on upgrading your gear in order to make your defence as strong as possible as early as possible, so that you are able to withstand attacks from more powerful enemies in the game.

However, there are more benefits to upgrading your gear than just getting more protection from enemy attacks, some upgraded gear will even go as far as boosting your offensive power tremendously. This article will help you, a Hogwarts Legacy player, find out not only how to upgrade your gear but also all the mission prerequisites and tools that you will need in order to do so.
Time to Complete | Required |
0 min | Required for simple upgrades: Nothing Required for advanced upgrades: The Vivarium Enchanted Loom |
How to Upgrade your Gear
As you first load into the game and progress your way through the early campaign quests you’ll notice that upgrading your gear was extremely easy and all you had to do was simply swap out your old equipment for the new better ones. Then when you get further into the game you’ll unlock a room, called the Room of Requirement, and this is now the room that you will have to use in order to craft potions, grow plants and then, most importantly, upgrade your gear.
Once you’ve progressed far enough in the game, to the quest called The Helm of Urtkot, which is going to be near Hogsmeade, you’ll want to head on over back to the Room of Requirement, where Deek will show you how to use the Nab-Sack, so that you’ll then be able to rescue Beasts from poachers while you’re playing quests called The Elf, the Nab-Sack as well as the Loom quests.
You will have to complete these quests first before you are able to start upgrading your gear as completing these quests will then unlock two main conjurations in the Room of Requirement, which you need in order to start upgrading your gear.
The Vivarium
The first one of these two main conjurations is the Vivarium and this is a magical green-house that will be used by you as a free-range for all of the beasts that you manage to rescue in the Wizarding World. While you are inside of the Vivarium you’ll be able to interact with them here, either by feeding them or brushing them. This is where you’ll be able to collect a lot of valuable materials, which you can then use to upgrade different parts of your gear.
Owning the key to this area is super crucial for you if you are looking to upgrade your gear because if you were to do the alternative, which is purchase all of these materials individually from Broof and Peck in Hogsmeade, it will come out to be a lot more expensive.
Enchanted Loom
The second part to the main conjurations is the Enchanted Loom, which is a tool that you will be able to use in order to upgrade your gear directly. In order to conjure an Enchanted Loom you’ll need to first use your Conjuring Spell, and then go on under the Utility tab and place it wherever you want or think best.
Stats vs Traits
Each piece of gear that you acquire during this game will feature at least on primary Offence or Defence stat and from there you will be able to add as well as upgrade a secondary stat to it or even apply Traits to this gear through the use of magical materials that you get from the beasts with the Loom.
A trait is something that you are able to apply to your gear but before you do so you have to first unlock them through completing specific challenges or acquire them from Bandit Camps. Traits can be put on any type of gear from Superb rarity gear and above. For example, if you have a piece of equipment that is Extraordinary then you will have a Level 2 Trait slot, whereas if you have a Legendary one you will have a level 3 Trait slot, which is the max.
After collecting at least three species into your Vivarium you should be able to have enough to be able to upgrade the first level. Then for the more advanced upgrades that you want to do you’ll have to collect rarer beasts.
Final Words
So there you have the complete guide to upgrading your Hogwarts Legacy gear. So remember next time when you are out and about, exploring the surrounding Highlands beware of paw print symbols on your map because these are beast lairs, and will further indicate which type of beast species you will find there. Don’t forget to also use your Region Guide to help you find out which specific locations might have what beast lairs.