Now you can order the Concorde building set that Lego released earlier this month.

Lego Concorde

Lego’s latest building set in its Lego Icons series, Lego’s brand for “Lego for adults,” is an impressive building set with which you can construct a model of the Concorde, the supersonic plane that transported passengers across the Atlantic between 1976 and 2003.

Additional tail landing gear
Additional tail landing gear

The model is assembled with 2083 Lego pieces and when completed, it measures 105 centimeters long, 43 centimeters wide, and 15 centimeters high. Lego describes its Concorde building set as follows:

This detailed model version of the English-French passenger plane features a tilting downward nose, working landing gear, retractable rear shock-absorbing wheel, delta wings with movable elevons, and hinged upper and lower rudders, just like the real plane. It also has accessible seats and a stand for display in flight, takeoff, or landing mode.

Tiltable droop nose and visor
Tiltable droop nose and visor

In the video below, designers from Lego explain how they went about creating a building set of the legendary supersonic plane. In addition to Lego’s designers, Concorde pilot Jacky Ramon also participates in the video, where he shares more about the Concorde and its history.

LEGO Concorde | Designer Video
LEGO Concorde | Designer Video

Lego’s Concorde building set is part of their adult-oriented “Lego Icons” series and consists of 2083 Lego pieces. Lego’s “Concorde” is priced at $200.


Lego Concorde
Lego Concorde
Lego Concorde
Lego Concorde
Lego Concorde
Lego Concorde
Lego Concorde

Some reviews from the Lego website:

Superb set, really just buy it!

All I can say is OMG! This thing is huge! And amazing! I am not an avid lego builder. I buy one every so often, mainly because it is huge nostalgia for me since I used to be obsessed as a kid with Lego, so I am am of average skill level. I recently got back into it with the shuttle a year ago, and being a aviation enthusiast, I knew I had to complement the shuttle with this beaut. The build experience was awesome, quite easy but still engaging. I always wonder just how hard it is to develop these sets since they are so astonishingly cleverly built, using amazing techniques to create curves, slopes and such that are true to the real airplane. I learned a lot about the Concorde, for example the plane doesn’t use flaps or slats, explaining why the droop snoot was needed since it needed to fly at such an aggressive angle of attack to maintain lift at lower speeds. This lego model is just a joy to look at. All the details are there. The retractable gear is a very nice touch, and the way it’s implemented into the tail is ingenious. To make it more realistic, I put some coffee grounds in the toilets to simulate…you know. Highly recommended to anyone!

An Incredible Tribute to Concorde

As my first truly large set I’ve attempted, this was incredibly fun and easy to build. For the curious, build time for a relatively beginner/intermediate builder was 13.5 hours with a couple of short breaks for meals. I would recommend this to anyone who loves planes and has a large display space to showcase this incredible piece!


I’m an aviation lover and a Lego lover which made this the perfect set for me. I was beyond excited when I received this set in the mail and loved every second of constructing this beautiful airplane. I now proudly display it on my dresser in my room. It was a pretty easy build for me and the only part I had trouble was putting the cover over the cabin which was a really tight squeeze. Other than that a pretty easy build. I would highly recommend this set to anyone who is interested in building it especially those who love aviation and the Concorde. Lego please do more aviation sets cause this one was awesome. I’d recommend doing the 747 or l1011.

SImply brilliant model

In reverse ok, the guys at Lego nailed this design. They have managed to capture the real design of the jet and combine it with their elements of the essence of the design. To the team of 5 who designed this model I say well done, you aced it. The build is extremely satisfying and I used the online version of the instructions as I find it easier at my age seeing a larger schematic. Dont get me wring, it is still fairly technical and once you remove the interim orange supports from the wings, the model can be very fragile if not handled with extreme care. I found this out the hard way but after around 60 very tense minutes, I managed to salvage the build. If you are going to build this icon, be very careful until you get 2/3 of the fuselage built so it supports the wings. When it is complete, it is as solid as a rock though. The droop nose is awesome abut the retractable landing gear blew me away, another reason to buy it as it looks just stunning in flight mode or take-off-landing mode. To sum up the build and final product is that it is simply stunning… Another awesome icon from Team Lego.

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