Boston Dynamics has released a new video clip showing how their robot dog Spot is used to inspect the subway tracks in the Paris metro, which you can check out above.

The Spot robot used for subway inspections has been customized for this purpose by the French robotics company Intuitive Robots and RATP Group (Autonomous Parisian Transportation Administration), the state-owned company that operates public transport in Paris.
They have named their Spot robot Perceval, and Boston Dynamics writes about it:
To face this challenge, RATP equipped Perceval with a 360° PTZ camera with infrared sensor to allow it to capture accurate thermal and visual data in dark and harsh environments. RATP also added radio equipment with antennas using mesh network technology to enable the data capture in a 450-meter tunnel, where the WiFi signal was severely deteriorated. These add-ons allowed Spot to be teleoperated to collect visual data of the structure. This way, employees could see the data captured by Spot from a safer location.