Nintendo is releasing Pikmin 4 in a few weeks and has now unveiled another cozy trailer for the upcoming game.

Pikmin 4

In the video, we follow a traveler who encounters Pikmins and learns more about how to work with them and their abilities. It’s Nintendo-level coziness at its finest. Perhaps less cozy is the revelation of what happens to all the Pikmins that die. They don’t return to “the Onion” to be reborn, as many would like to believe. Instead, they simply disappear—presumably to the great Pikmin field in the sky, where they can live forever without sorrow or pain…

Pikmin 4 — Your First Expedition with Pikmin — Nintendo Switch
Pikmin 4 — Your First Expedition with Pikmin — Nintendo Switch

Pikmin 4 will be released exclusively for Nintendo Switch on July 21st, and there is already a demo available for those who want to try the game.

Megan Nichols is a science writer and editor for Schooled By Science. She enjoys reading and writing about the latest innovations in technology and science.

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