Posted inRPG

The Best Homebrew Spells for Dungeons & Dragons

The section on spells in the Player’s Handbook contains a plethora of spells that D&D characters can cast, ranging from weak enchantments that might help the caster win a game of dice to immensely powerful incantations that can wreck villages, summon demonic allies in battles, and vanquish your enemies with the wave of your hand […]

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Dungeons & Dragons is coming to Minecraft

Soon, it will be possible to play Dungeons & Dragons in Minecraft through a DLC that will be released sometime during the spring. The Dungeons & Dragons add-on for Minecraft was announced during yesterday’s D&D Direct and is developed by Mojang in collaboration with Dungeons & Dragons creator Wizards of the Coast. In addition to […]

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How to create an interesting player character

Dungeons and Dragons is primarily a game about combat. Originally, it was designed to be a matter of a group of archetypal fantasy heroes with different abilities who, typically, entered a dungeon packed with traps and monsters, overcome all the challenges, and found some treasure at the end. However, among the many things that made […]

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Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online

When thinking about Dungeons & Dragons (or D&D for short), it’s easy to imagine a group seated around a table burgeoning with papers, books, dice, burning candles, and other atmospheric paraphernalia. The game was designed as a social activity for participants that all are gathered in the same room, which makes sense given the frequent […]

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How to write a D&D adventure from scratch!

If you are new to Dungeons and Dragons and perhaps have run a couple of purchased adventures, but would like to create your own – then this article is for you. If you are an old-school veteran who has been a Dungeon Master since the last millennia, read on anyway. This article is filled with […]

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Miniatures and Dungeons &Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons (or D&D for short) is primarily a game of imagination. Most of the events in the game take place on the theatre stage of your mind and in the imaginary scenes that are created together with the Dungeon Master (DM) and the other players. Typically, the DM describes something – a vault, […]

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A Dungeons & Dragons gift guide

Yet another holiday season is upon us! This is a time when many of us are trying to think of creative gifts for our friends and family, and if they happen to be into Dungeons & Dragons (or D&D for short), that’s typically where our thoughts go first. Fortunately, many avid enthusiasts of D&D are […]

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Five DM tips to create an immersive adventure

What is immersive storytelling? Immersive storytelling is a way of describing a scene that feels so vivid it becomes real in the mind of the reader, viewer, or listener. As a Dungeon Master you want the players to be engaged as much as possible in your story. Here are five useful tricks and tips that […]

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The Role of the Dice

The dice are possibly the most central physical object in the hobby of Dungeons & Dragons (or D&D for short). While the Dungeon Master (or DM) is responsible for much of what happens in an adventure, many critical moments are decided by the fateful result of a dice roll. Hitting or missing with a desperate […]