If you’re wondering which headphones offer the best sound and excellent noise reduction, we’d probably say Focal Bathys. And if the dark gray metallic design doesn’t appeal to you, perhaps the brand-new Bathys Dune is more to your liking.

The desert-inspired light beige finish gives the design more justice, and the punched pattern covering the outside of the earcups complements the look in a very tasteful way, if you ask us.
Adapts to your hearing
The sound and noise reduction are just as good as in the regular version. Additionally, a new feature has been added, which will fortunately also come to the existing version of Bathys.
It’s a two-step hearing test, where the headphones test the user’s hearing and adjust the sound accordingly. Focal calls this hearing adjustment ‘Mimi,’ and you can turn it on and off as you like, and even choose the percentage of it to mix with the ‘dry’ signal from Bathys.
If you use your own EQ, you can still blend in the hearing adjustment to your desired level.
Focal Bathys Dune: Price and Availability
Focal Bathys Dune is available now and costs the same as the regular Bathys, $699.