Minecraft Legends is a brand new action and strategy based game, coming out soon. The aim of this game is to lead your allies into battle against the Piglins. Your overall goal will be to defend your home, Overworld, from the Piglins, from the Nether.

Release date: 18th April 2023, but available for pre-order now
Platforms: Windows, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series S/X, Xbox One
Developers: Mojang Studios and Blackbird Interactive
Minecraft Legends announced their new game release accompanied by a deep dive into the gameplay, showing off the PvP and multiplayer components. Like the campaign, the multiplayer side is procedurally generated, and teams will share resources and their base, serving almost like a strategy spin-off of the famous community-run Minecraft Factions servers.
One of the smaller reveals in the trailer was a hint to Minecraft Legends’ wider customizability, expanding on the base Minecraft’s world and inhabitants. There are plenty of new mobs to pick out from the trailer Minecraft Legends shared.
Two Main Parts To This Game
Gathering allies and building your strength
During this game you’ll get to explore a familiar yet mysterious land, full of diverse life, lush biomes, and rich resources. However, this paradise is on the brink of destruction as the ravaging piglins have arrived and are now threatening to corrupt the Overworld.
Defeating your enemy, the Piglins
Then in the second part of this game you’ll have to try and inspire others, whom you meet along the way, to form valuable alliances and lead them in strategic battles to protect their home. With your strength that you’ve built up and the powerful alliances that you have obtained you can then take the fight to the piglins before their Nether corruption devours the Overworld.
The Key features in game play
Discovering mysteries
Learn the story of Minecraft Legends and explore its new, yet familiar world. By going around and exploring the world more in depth you’ll get to experience the Minecraft Universe in a more personal, new, way in this new action strategy game.
Dynamic World
When you are placed in this game you’ll notice the peaceful land, both familiar and mysterious, which has been filled with diverse life, lush biomes, and rich resources. All of these things will be extremely useful to you as you will need to use them in order to build up your defences and in the end, defeat the Piglin invasion.
Epic Battles
When you are journeying through this world you’ll encounter many friends and it’ll be in your very best interest to try and inspire them to form some valuable alliances. These alliances will be very valuable to you in the future as you will be able to lead them into epic strategic battles, in order to protect your homelands. Your job will be to try and take the fight to the Piglins before they are able to let their Nether corruption seep into your home, the Overworld.
In Minecraft: Legends you’ll also be able to challenge your friends to battle, to test each other’s capabilities or just for fun. Another thing you could do instead, if you still want to involve other players, is to team-up with them and head into these exciting battles, to try and defend your village from your opponents, together.
PvP consists of up to eight players in two teams. You have a base, and your enemy has a base. In order to gain an advantage against your enemies you have to rush them and wipe out their build. Build wise you’re able to customise in a similar way to how Minecraft itself allows you to get creative with your own designs and style.
However, PvP doesn’t just involve other players, as you’ll also be playing against Piglins, the campaign’s PvE enemies. With them, there are three total groups all vying for the win, so you’ll have to fend the Nether-dwellers off while your mates try to rip your walls down.
Minecraft Legends will feature two different versions: the Standard, and the Deluxe Edition. The Standard Edition (i.e. the base game) will cost $39.99 USD and the Deluxe Edition will cost $49.99 USD. If you opt for the Deluxe Edition then you’ll get the base game but then you’ll also receive an exclusive hero skin, four mount skins, which will allow you to be able to change the look of your steed, and finally one more mount skin, which will only be available to you after the game has officially launched.
If you feel that you don’t want to purchase the Deluxe Edition of the game then you will have another opportunity down the line to purchase only the Deluxe Skin Pack for $14.99 USD, although purchasing the Deluxe Edition from the get go will be cheaper than purchasing the base game and then the Deluxe Skin Pack on top of that.