These Silver Leaves will basically be the main currency that Destiny 2 players will be grinding for, during Destiny 2’s Solstice event. These Silver Leaves are awarded to players for completing almost every single activity in the game, but you’ll need loads of these if you are interested in getting your hands on those perfect-rolled armour pieces before the event is finished.

If you are a Destiny 2 gamer who plays the game quite often, then you’ll eventually reach the Silver Leaf cap in just a couple of days. However, if you really want to make the most of your time during this event then you’ll want to instead use this old trick that’s been saving Guardians tons of time, ever since the launch of the Witch Queen expansion.
The Fastest Way to Get Silver Leaves
You’ll be able to find the best Silver Lead farm in the game, hidden away in the Lightfall campaign, more specifically in the First Contact mission, which is the very first campaign mission where you’ll find players and Osiris stowing themselves away on a Cabal cruiser. Every Destiny 2 player, regardless of whether you have purchased the expansion, will have access to this mission by visiting Neptune on the Director map and then clicking on the Campaign activity bubble, which you can find located on the left-hand side of the screen.
From here you can just grab one of your friends or two and play through the mission normally, once you’ve successfully made it through the Shadow Legion and have beat the Tormentor, near the end of the level, you’ll find that you will have reached a bay area that is lined up with drop pods. Once you’ve opened up the door that leads to the pods, you’ll want to have someone from your fireteam leave it and switch to one of their other characters. What this will do is save a checkpoint on the first character, which players will be able to reuse for as long as they please.
When you enter these pods, you’ll receive the Silver Leaves, then you’ll just want to quit back to the character select screen and then start back at the checkpoint, using the anchor character. From here you’ll just need to repeat this process again and again until the Silver Leaf cap is reached. As a precaution, before you do this for the first time, the player who has the checkpoint anchor should make sure that the checkpoint was really saved. You’ll also want to make sure that everyone in your Fireteam is wearing at least one piece of Sunlit armour so that you are able to earn Silver Leaves during this activity.
This trick that you can use is quite popular and has been a thing since the launch of the Witch Queen expansion, where players had used this same exploit in that expansion’s second campaign mission. You are technically able to earn Silver Leaves there as well but doing it at the Lightfall’s First Contact checkpoint is a lot more efficient.
Final Words
So there you have a quick and easy exploit that you can use in Destiny 2 to farm Silver Leaves, but sadly, for those who enjoy playing solo, you’ll need at least one more player in your fireteam to do this specific exploit. If you can’t find anyone willing to join you then you can also just complete Public Events because they are easy and shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to do, however you’ll only get 4 Silver Leaves from this.