It’s a tough climb to release a CRPG in the wake of Baldur’s Gate 3, but Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader is actually quite good. It was released in a somewhat buggy state in terms of bugs and such, but Owlcat has managed to sort out a lot of it.

The latest update has now been released, and it’s a real behemoth with more than 1800 changes. In addition to including performance improvements, bug fixes, and better stability in co-op, they have also recorded new voice acting for the prologue and the small talk companions engage in during the game.
The AI has also been revamped, which should reduce the amount of shots unnecessarily hitting the backs of their own comrades. The various characters have also received rebalancings so extensive that Owlcat has chosen to offer a free respec (meaning that players can reassign skill points and the like) to every character.
WARNING FOR SPOILERS in the complete content list for the update.