Plants vs. Zombies has come a long way since it was first released on May 5, 2009. The popular tower defense video game originally developed and published by PopCap Games involves homeowners using different kinds of plants to prevent an army of brain-eating zombies from entering their homes.

Today, Plants vs. Zombies is one of the best-selling video games in the world and fans both young and old can’t wait to get their hands on the newest edition of the game.

The rumor mill has been rolling for a new version of the popular video game named Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 3. And while EA and PopCap Games haven’t made any official announcements regarding this new update, we gathered some of the things that we know about it:

Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 3?

The game will still feature the class-based combat set that gamers know and love.

A comic book leak has revealed that Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 3 will be a sequel to Garden Warfare 2 released in 2016 and featuring a third-person shooter. It will still be developed by PopCap Games and published by Electronic Arts, and will support platforms for PC, Xbox One and PS4. It will probably have versions for Xbox One X or PS4 Pro Enhances too. Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 3 will still feature the class-based combat set that’s been used in the Plants vs. Zombies world, but fans can expect for a few more additions like new mods and units, as with the previous game’s eight additional classes.

Plants vs Zombies Challenge Gatling Pea and Snow Pea vs Gargantuar

The game will probably be released in 2019 although EA is still mum about a release date.

A lot of Plants vs. Zombies fans expected EA to announce Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 3 during E3 2018 and release it before the year ends. But that didn’t happen, so fans are now hoping for a 2019 release when there are less shooter games being released in the market. Fans are also eager to find out if EA will be taking on the Battle Royale hype with Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 3 because it is the perfect setting for this type of game.

The game could be the “new project” that EA talked about.

EA Motive studio head Jade Raymond told Edge Magazine in an interview that its Vancouver studio is working on a Plants vs. Zombies project. But no one could say for sure if it is Garden Warfare 3 or an entirely new project. Gaming enthusiasts have made their analysis and are positive that the studio is working on a sequel for Garden Warfare 2.

Final Words

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
February 25, 2014 February 23, 2016

Plants vs. Zombies fans got excited with Amazon UK’s description of a listing for Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare Volume 2, which gave a subtle hint that Garden Warfare 3 is coming soon. It said: “Paul Tobin returns to write the official comic book bridge between video games PvZ:GW2 and PvZ:GW3 with Tim Lattie returning to deliver artwork.” But until EA gives its official word on the release of the game’s latest edition, fans can only guess when exactly will Garden Warfare 3 make its way to the gaming market. 

A voracious reader and avid thinker at heart - a good combination that makes concocting words on paper so much easier.

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  1. I hope i can get my hands on that video game before the summer of 2020. I have been a big fan of pvzgw1 and pvzgw2, and now there are leaks that pvzgw3 is coming out. That’s so cool

  2. When will there be a release date!! I can’t wait anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  3. Maybe it will come out in the summer oor the game is just plant vs. zombies battle for neighborville! But I hope there will be a new PvZ game coming soon!

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