If you’re the kind of person who performs your marketing tasks manually, then you are lagging when compared to your competition. It’s time for marketing automation. The current business world is a world of automation. So, you’re losing out on a lot of time and money if you are not streamlining your business through automation. Let’s look at a few tasks that you can start automating right now.
Automation has huge consequences in the business world. It’s not a simple linear process to identify a problem, find an automated solution, and just implementing the said solution. There are certain portions of your business that are naturally suited for automation and then there are the other areas that works better with manual input.
It’s very important to understand that automation doesn’t mean you’re completely staying away and breaking all human contact with that process. Automation is a means to eliminate some wasted time, so that you can relocate resources elsewhere. Spend enough time to carefully evaluate your needs and understand what can and can’t be improved by automation.
Marketing automation has experienced a lot of development over the past few years. There’s so much competition in this niche, with many options to choose from. There are two major choice in platforms for marketing automation, an all-encompassing automation platform or a set of individual tools. Let’s look at where you can get started.
1. Social Media
Automating social media is the right place to start with. Almost every business today have a solid online presence and are trying to automate their activities in one form or the other. There are a wide variety of apps and tools that are available and you can find apps for automating specific tasks such as posting content, sharing it, engaging with followers, syncing multiple accounts, and a lot more. While it’s still essential to manually monitor your account, to make sure to keep trolls away, automation can reduce your effort and improve the efficiency of your staff as it keeps them free off the very basic of tasks.
2. Blog Promotion
Blog promotion is a very important task that has so much impact on developing your brand and reaching your audience. By making use of marketing automation tools, you will be able to streamline a lot of the small value tasks that take up a good chunk of your time – such as sharing new content, split testing headline options, finding relevant high-quality images for the content, and more. A lot of the standard marketing automation platforms have a good number of blog promotion options bundled within them.
3. Email Marketing
Email marketing is crucial if you plan on building a loyal customer based. If you are not automating the low value tasks in this time-intensive segment of your marketing strategy, chances are that, you’re missing out on so many other opportunities to convert more leads. Email marketing is best suited for automation and by setting up the best system in place for your organization, you will be able to segment subscriber lists, personalize welcome messages based on recipient, schedule regular email blasts, integrate relevant calls-to-action for lead conversion, and much more.
4. A/B Testing
A/B testing is a very crucial tool to study customer behaviour but it scares off a lot of marketers as they fear it will overcomplicate things. Well, with the help of automated tools you can get A/B testing done in a fraction of time as before. You will be able to set up new A/B tests in the background and won’t even know that they’re running. You can just analyse them based on the results from the variety of tests. You can also set up a system to put up the results to use by automatically changing various landing page elements based on user response stats.
5. Analytics
Analysis is a very important skill for a marketer, but if you are struggling with it, automation can help you out here as well. It can help you to deconstruct and understand what the data is telling you. A lot of analytics tools in the market, will automate the collection and interpretation of data for you, so that you will be able to see what’s happening in visually conveyed reports.
I hope this article was helpful to you. If you have any queries or suggestions, please let us know through the comments section and we will be more than happy to help you out with your queries and implement your suggestions.