You probably don’t use or think about using a VPN because it looks nice. You buy a car because it looks nice. But a VPN Bitcoin is something people want to use to enhance their privacy. It doesn’t only concern your personal privacy with your data. You know fairly well that data is worth a lot of money. They are very valuable for governments as well as for hackers and advertisers. As icing on the cake that is Bitcoin.

Why You Should Buy a VPN
With several free VPN services out there, you might wonder if it’s worth it to buy a VPN at all. Each time you buy a service, be it a VPN Bitcoin or not, you pay the provider for its service. You need a service provider that makes his service available to you. The service provider has staff to ensure its service is running smoothly. A VPN Bitcoin service is not different in that area. Moreover, they have to pay for several servers that are located all over the world.
Think about it for a moment how a free VPN service would be able to get its funding. Even the free ones have ongoing expenses that need to happen. But by what? Unless it’s been founded by a very rich person, you should scratch your head. And even a very rich person would be unlikely to make a service completely free. That being said, the truth is that there is no such thing as a free VPN service. If there is, that service is likely selling your data. That’s where it gets its funding from. Therefore, you could as well not use a VPN service at all. It might be different with VPN service providers who also offer paid services. In that case they do have a funding source, but you should remain careful.
Protect Your Data
Whoever uses a VPN service has a keen interest in protecting his own data. The internet exists to maintain some form of anonymity. Neither should it be of any concern to anyone which pages you visit online. A VPN Bitcoin adds an extra level of safety to your data when you are online. Each time you go online, you automatically send and receive data on your computer. There’s nothing you can do to avoid it, apart from simply not going online. Those data you send and receive can be viewed by anyone, such as hackers. The more details they can gather about you, the happier they are.
The only event when your data is not protected anymore is when you enter them. This could be the case for paying for goods or services online. Entering details like your credit card happens on a secure web page. Those payment details are stored on the server by the respective page. The servers of that page or service can be hacked. But that’s basically outside the protection a VPN Bitcoin can offer to you.
Buying a VPN With Bitcoin Is a Better Choice
Hence your payment details are stored at the respective service you use. That throws your efforts to remain anonymous right out of the window. If you used VPN Bitcoin payment there wouldn’t be any further data about you. Payments with cryptocurrencies are always anonymous. With Bitcoin, the transactions are somewhat public, but no one knows it’s you. Neither your full real name nor your address can give away your data. Well, it’d be possible if someone had a stern interest, but it’d require a lot of effort.
Sharing payment details requires a lot of trust in the service or goods you’re buying online. You can’t help but have to enter personal details when you’re ordering goods online. You want them to arrive at your doorstep after all. It doesn’t have to deliver physical goods to your doorstep. If you want to remain anonymous, buying a VPN Bitcoin service obviously is the better choice. Keep in mind that if you’ve already bought a VPN service with a traditional payment method, it’d not be worth it anymore. They’d already have your data. In that case, you could only switch to another VPN that offers cryptocurrencies as a payment method.
Parting Words On VPN Bitcoin
The advantages of using cryptocurrencies go way beyond that key interest of anonymity. With Bitcoin, there are no currency borders. You could be anywhere in the world, but you wouldn’t have to make an international payment. The transaction fees are higher and there is an additional fee to recalculate your local currency. You don’t have that issue with cryptocurrencies since you can use them universally everywhere. Since VPN Bitcoin transactions do not involve any institution, like a bank or credit card company, the transaction fees are lower. Additionally, your transaction happens within minutes and your VPN Bitcoin is available to you earlier than that. Traditional payment methods take a couple of working days.