Square Enix has unveiled a Back to the Future expansion for their popular “indie game” PowerWash Simulator. This is the game where players go around washing various objects with a pressure washer.

PowerWash Simulator Back to the Future Special Pack Announcement
PowerWash Simulator Back to the Future Special Pack Announcement

In the Back to the Future expansion for PowerWash Simulator, players will have the opportunity to clean the time-traveling DeLorean car that’s central to the Back to the Future movies, as well as other items from the films, including the Hill Valley clock tower, the so-called time train, and a movie theater.

The expansion will cost $8 and will be available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series S/X, Xbox One, and PC. The release date for the expansion is unclear, but it wouldn’t be entirely impossible for it to be on October 21, the date when Marty McFly first traveled back in time in Doc Brown’s DeLorean time machine.


Related: Warhammer 40,000 is coming to PowerWash Simulator

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