Yesterday, Apple announced a huge update to the pricing capabilities for developers in App Store, introducing 700 new price points. This should come as a welcome Christmas gift for developers world wide.

App Store

This update includes “new pricing tools that will make it easier to set prices per App Store country or region, manage foreign exchange rate changes, and more.” The update starts immediately for apps offering auto-renewable subscriptions “and for all other apps and in-app purchases in spring 2023, giving all developers unprecedented flexibility and control to price their products in 45 currencies throughout 175 storefronts.”

Under the updated App Store pricing system, all developers will have the ability to select from 900 price points, which is nearly 10 times the number of price points previously available for most apps. This includes 600 new price points to choose from, with an additional 100 higher price points available upon request. To provide developers around the world with even more flexibility, price points — which will start as low as $0.29 and, upon request, go up to $10,000 — will offer an enhanced selection of price points, increasing incrementally across price ranges (for example, every $0.10 up to $10; every $0.50 between $10 and $50; etc.).

App store pricing example:

App store pricing model USD markets

What’s more, it is now also possible to manage currency and taxes across storefronts by choosing a local storefront “as the basis for automatically generating prices across the other 174 storefronts and 44 currencies” for subscription apps.

For developers distributing their apps around the world, the App Store’s global equalisation tools have given them a simple and convenient way to manage pricing across international markets. Today’s enhancements expand upon these capabilities, allowing developers to keep their local currency constant in any storefront of their choice, even as foreign exchange and taxes fluctuate. This means, for example, a Japanese game developer who gets most of their business from Japanese customers can set their price for the Japan storefront, and have their prices outside of the country update as foreign exchange and tax rates change. All developers will also be able to define availability of in-app purchases by storefront.

For more information on the update, visit the Apple website.

Source: Apple

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