Gaming is one of the most popular ways for children and young adults to entertain themselves and play with friends. The restrictions put in place due to the spread of COVID-19 also increased the popularity of games as not just a recreational activity but a social one. Without recess or extracurricular activities, many students couldn’t see or spend time with their friends. Gaming together online is a great idea to connect with others, but it’s essential that you don’t let gaming time interfere with your ability to get schoolwork done. If you or your child is struggling to stick to a healthy routine, read on for three tips on how to balance school and video games.

1. Reward yourself for academic success.

There’s no denying that rewards can be a powerful motivator, so a reward system may be a good way to help you balance gaming and schoolwork. These rewards can be small or large, though you should make it challenging for yourself to succeed. Rewards can be small, like a day off or extra time to watch television, or you can make a plan to work toward something bigger like a new console.

If you don’t have access to money of your own through a job, talk to your parents about setting goals and picking out a reward for achieving them. If you want the best gaming chair 2021 so you can play your favorite games with your friends, see if your parents would be willing to let you earn it. A gaming chair is an especially great gift, as it can double as a desk chair for you to use when you need to work. Look for one with good neck support and lumbar support so you can protect your health.

2. Take classes on video games and technology.

One way to balance your love of video games with school is to ask your school counselor if you can take classes about them. Even in high school, many schools offer elective classes, and in some cases, high school students can take classes at a university in the area for college credit during the school year or over the summer as a part of their secondary education.

If you have your heart set on pursuing a career in gaming, make sure you take your education seriously. Colleges and universities are more competitive than ever, and STEM fields are increasingly popular with undergraduates. Programs like Scholarship America can help you prepare for the application process and get accepted to the school of your dreams. Since 1958, Scholarship America has distributed $4.2 billion to more than 2.5 million students in the United States.

3. Schedule time for gaming.

Instead of letting yourself play for hours whenever you feel like it, build an appropriate amount of time for gaming into your schedule. Make time for homework, family activities, and other essentials first, but then you can choose to block out some time for your favorite games. One of the benefits of actually scheduling your recreational time is that you won’t have any nagging guilt in the back of your mind over work that you’re putting off.

Though video games are a lot of fun, there’s a limit to how much most students should play on a daily basis. Long gaming sessions leave little time for academics, which is why it’s important to find ways to balance gaming and your schoolwork. Everyone is different, so it may take some trial and error to find motivators that work for you. If you’re interested in gaming as a career, see if you can find opportunities for relevant classes to sign up for. It can even be a good idea to schedule gaming time the same way you would schedule any other appointment. No matter what techniques work best for you, you’ll enjoy your gaming sessions more if you aren’t stressed out about the homework you’re procrastinating to finish.

Tyler Pack is a real estate consultant and journalist, with a passion for smart homes technology. He is keen on writing about home and property security, and cybersecurity.

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