It only takes a simple mistake to misplace your cards and cash when you travel, or, to make things worse, to fall victim to local thieves.

In addition to that, complex technology, such as skimming, means burglars have increasingly cunning ways to collect your personal information and steal all your hard-earned cash.

It is always vital to stay vigilant. Luckily, there are a lot of clever gadgets out there that secure your finances.

Traveling around the world can be extremely exciting. However, if you fall victim to thieves and robbers, your experience might change drastically.

Because of this, here are some top gadgets you should have to secure your finances. It does not matter if you’re traveling or not. These gadgets are extremely useful for your daily life.

Don’t Stop Learning

Money is a necessary part of our lives. Unfortunately, it can be extremely complicated to secure it.

You do not have to know everything. However, if you want to secure your finances, you’ve got to keep learning about resources and tools you can use that can help you.

There are a lot of guides online that can help you secure your finances, whether you’re traveling or simply want to read some tips on how to safely store your cash.

One gadget that you can use to secure your finances is a laptop. With a laptop and an internet connection, you basically have all the resources around the world to learn more about securing your money.

Aside from that, you can also use your laptop to buy a custom bank bag online.

Don’t Use Public Computer

As much as possible, try to avoid using public computers. This includes libraries, hotels, clubs, airports, and internet cafes. This is especially true if you’ve got to access online retailers or banking services.

For those who don’t know, these public computers might have a range of spyware applications running on them.

If so, these spyware apps can record every single thing you type on the keyboard. This includes your passwords and bank account.

Even if you utilize your laptop for online transactions, make sure you don’t connect to the internet via a public network.

There is a huge risk that the traffic might be intercepted by cybercriminals on a public network.

This means that they might gain access to your laptop if you connect to their network.

Sign Up for Credit Alerts and Reports

For those who don’t know, all individuals are qualified to get at least 3 free credit reports every year.

You can get one from every credit bureau in the United States. You can visit a website called “” to get these free reports.

A lot of financial professionals suggest getting one credit report every 4 months rather than getting all of them at the same time.

With this, you can track your credit report all year long. Regularly getting your credit report is an excellent approach to guarantee your credit is free from illegal activity.

You can also sign up for credit alerts. These alerts are free of charge. They will notify you if you opened a new card or your spending is too high.

Furthermore, these alerts also let you know if you completely pay off a card or if you’re qualified for balance transfer offers to help lower your debt.

This additional layer of protection helps you guarantee there are no accounts opened without your knowledge.

For example, when you buy a hand sanitizer in a new country, the bank will notify you about it.

Dummy Wallet

A dummy wallet is one gadget that you can use to secure your finances. It’s one of the best ways to deceive a potential thief.

All you need to do is to purchase a cheap wallet and fill it with several useless cards and pieces of paper.

This will lure pickpockets away from your real wallet. It can also save your life if you encounter a hold-up. You shouldn’t open your real wallet until you are at a safe location.

Anti-Theft Bag

Technically speaking, this isn’t a gadget. However, an anti-theft bag is a stylish bag that has a lot of amazing security features that make it hard for potential thieves to get their hands on your money.

An anti-theft bag has zips situated on the reverse of the bag. They’re also hidden against your back. With this, nothing can fall out. Also, thieves will have a hard time accessing your bag.

This offers peace of mind. This is particularly true if you’re walking in crowded areas or riding crowded public transport.

If you’re worried about fashion, anti-theft bags come in a lot of stylish designs and colors.

Portable Safe

If you’re traveling and your hotel does not have its own safe, then a portable safe is one of the best gadgets you can buy.

It is water-resistant, portable, and lightweight. This means that you can carry it anywhere you want.

You can securely attach the portable safe to a fixture in your hotel room.

Wallet Tracker

Losing a wallet is perhaps one of the biggest nightmares a person can have. Fortunately, you won’t have to worry about this anymore with a wallet tracker.

All you need to do is to slip this tiny device into your wallet or anything you use to carry your cards and cash. You can even attach a wallet tracker to your car keys, bag, and other items.

If you lose your items, you can use the smartphone application to track the item.

Also, knowing DIY tips on how to hide the tracker is vital.


Money is perhaps one of the most important things in life. Without it, you can live the life you want. That is why you need to secure it as much as possible.

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