In many games where flying is available, it is often the best way to travel, especially in Horizon Forbidden West where you have a huge open world map to traverse. This is because flying doesn’t just give you some much-needed speed, but it actually also gives you quite an advantage over your enemies that may be below you. 

One feature that Horizon Forbidden West is known for, as in Horizon Zero Dawn, is Aloy’s ability to override machines that wander around in the world. Although overriding and taking control over a monstrous Thunderjaw is definitely awesome, nothing really beats the pure practicality aspect of being able to fly on the back of a Sunwing. 


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Requirement: Sunwing Override Code

Encountering Sunwings in Early Gameplay

When playing the Horizon Forbidden West game, you’ll encounter the Sunwings quite early on in the game. At this point you won’t be able to override them and make them docile yet, you’ll only be able to do this once progressing further in the main storyline. Usually you’ll want to head to a Cauldron in order to unlock this sort of ability, however with the Sunwings you’ll need to explore an area that has been blocked by an important mission. 

Don’t worry though, because in this article you’ll get the information that you may be seeking to help get you soaring in the skies, this will include how to actually get the crucial Sunwing override code as well as where you will be able to locate a Sunwing once you’ve acquired this. 

Getting a Sunwing Override Code

If you want to get to soar in the skies of Horizon Forbidden West, you’ll need a Sunwing to do it. A Sunwing is sort of robotic pterodactyl and can be a pretty powerful enemy when they aren’t on your team, but in order to fly one, you’ll need to change that and get it under your control. 

To get one of the majestic beasts under your control you’ll need to first acquire a Sunwing override, but the Sunwing override code is special because unlike the other overrides, they aren’t just found in one of the Horizon Forbidden West cauldrons that you could just randomly stumble upon. If you want to get into the Cauldron GEMINI, which is the one that will have the code you’re looking for, you’ll need to first finish the mission by the name of “Gemini”. 

This mission is one that’s a part of Horizon Forbidden West’s main missions so it will be hard to miss, unless you’re more focused on the side quest, then you may want to switch your priorities to get this override code first. This mission is in the later stages of the game so if you are new you may need to grind a little while longer for it, it’s the fourth to last mission and has a recommended level of 30. 

Getting the Sunwing

Once you’ve finally obtained the Gemini override code that’s where your journey will begin because now you’ll need to actually get one of these flying machines for yourself. So gear up because now you’ll need to go Sunwing hunting. 

Hopefully this process will be quite easy since these robo-animals are quite easy to find. If you’re feeling lost at this point or aren’t tracking the mission, you’ll want to head on over to The Base. 

Then when you finally get to this place, you’ll want to head on over to the west side exit and then you want to jump down from the ledge. When you get to the camp you want to head right, where you’ll find a fork in the road. From this fork you’ll want to take the path that heads up and to the right and follow the path all the way to the top of the mountain, where you’ll find the Sunwings. Then when you have them in your sights you just need to use the foliage around you to sneak up on one of them unseen so you can override it. 

Now that you’ve successfully overridden it you now have the ability to fly and is probably one of the best things that you’ve unlocked in the game. Now you’re able to move around a lot more efficiently and make a lot of things, such as reaching places high up, a lot easier. You’ll also be able to quickly call your flying mount on-demand by using the quick menu, located at the bottom of your screen. 

One thing that you’ll definitely appreciate with your new found ability to fly is you’ll be able to easily fly up to several Tallnecks located all over your map. So go ahead and clear out that fog clearing your mini-map. 

Final Words

So, there you have a complete guide as to how you can get a Sunwing mount in Horizon Forbidden West. So now you can go out and explore a lot of new places that you didn’t dare explore before because it may have seemed too challenging.  

Leo Beamers is an aspiring car collector born and raised just outside of the city in Cape Town and his interests include gaming, fast cars and enjoys cycling on the weekends.

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