According to a new report from The Wall Street Journal, Apple will introduce a new built-in journaling app with iOS 17 as part of its focus on physical and mental health.

According to the report, Apple’s app would have access to more data than other apps and also analyze things like users’ text messages and phone calls. As usual with Apple, a lot of focus is on privacy and security. The analysis of the user’s day will take place on the device, and suggestions will be kept in the system for four weeks before being automatically deleted.

This is what The Wall Street Journal writes in its report:

The Apple journaling app, code-named Jurassic, is designed to help users keep track of their daily lives, according to the documents describing the software. The app will analyze the users’ behavior to determine what a typical day is like, including how much time is spent at home compared with elsewhere, and whether a certain day included something outside the norm, according to the documents.

Paul Mayne, founder of Day One, one of the more popular apps that already offers a similar experience, is said to have said, “It’s always the worst thing to have to hear that you’re about to be sherlocked”, when The Wall Street Journal asked him about the report that Apple will release a similar app. “Sherlocked” is an expression used when Apple copies a third-party app and turns it into its own built-in app. The name comes from the app Watson, which claimed that Apple stole features when they introduced Sherlock 3.

It is unclear when the app will be released, but it could be shown as early as WWDC in June when iOS 17 is expected to be unveiled for the first time.

Elias Stevens is a freelance journalist, personal chef, and tech enthusiast.

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