You should be a fan of Blizzard Entertainment if you know a thing or two about its flagship game Overwatch. It is not surprising how Blizzard took the center stage with its notable games such as Diablo, Hearthstone, Starcraft, Warcraft, and World of Warcraft, just to name a few.

Overwatch Gaining Popularity

Overwatch is another game launched in 2016, which seemed to have created a spark for the resurgence of a past trend. In fact, Overwatch has surpassed its high profile potential competitors such as Boss Key’s Lawbreakers and Gearbox’s Battleborn.

In addition, after wiping the hero shooter field, it has remained popular. However, it is because of the absence of competition. Recently, though, the battlefield has changed as it consumed the whole industry. That said, nobody is now attempting to make hero shooters anymore. This makes battle royale to be the new goldmine.

Changes To The Current Trend

Epic Games’ Fortnite has been set into a League of Legends or DOTA 1 and 2 situation, which makes it difficult for anyone else to compete with. It was even become a global phenomenon with players dancing after scoring goals in a World Cup finals game. This basically makes a huge impact to the pop culture.

What People Say About Overwatch

Despite all the fuzz, the Overwatch gaming community is still active. As a matter of fact, it is still fundamentally fun. Reddit is even flaming with comments in response to Overwatch threads.

The Overwatch League Rosterpocalypse 2018 megathread has been filled with exciting updates to date.

Important Dates To Remember

  1. August 1 – the signing window has been opened for teams to negotiate the extensions with present players from their Contenders team affiliation. This is also the time when teams can start making trades on their players.
  2. September 8 – ending of inaugural season agreements. This means that players who are not under any contract will become free agents.
  3. September 9 to October 7 – this is the exclusive window to sign free agents for expansion teams in the Overwatch League.
  4. October 8 – the signing of free agent window opened for all teams.
  5. December 1 – this requires all teas to have at least 8 players under contract.

Mercy Might Be Underperforming

It has been remarked by Blizzard that Mercy, the healer, has been created to pump out more healing consistently in comparison to any other healer over the course of the battle. In fact, other healers on the team find it very hard to compete with her, considering the difference in healing is so noteworthy.

On the other hand, a Reddit user exposed that the benchmarks shown by Blizzard only prove that Mercy is now underperforming and so weak that she may not have any meaningful place in the current meta. Another healer, Moira, has also surpassed Mercy by about 10%, while dealing about 6,000 more damage even with the damage boost enabled.

But one thing is for sure when Mercy will undergo change. It might be a rework or a buff to her ability before the Overwatch League’s second season begins in 2019.

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