Relationships have a tendency to start feeling stale after a while. Keeping them alive and fresh can be quite a challenge. Add to this a few thousand miles between you and your loved one and we have a perfect recipe for disaster. ‘Out of sight is often out of mind’, thus keeping your long distance relationships going needs a lot of dedicated effort on your part. Thankfully the modern technology seems to be going all out to ensure that couples in a long distance relationship can interact just as well as those living together.

The infographic here shows us some modern apps which can allow couples living far apart to do things together. Watching a movie with pop-corn and soda, hanging out with your friends, having a fun day out are all possible for couples even those in different time zones. Even getting intimate seems on the cards with apps that can detect your movements and send them online to your partner.

At the first glance all this seems a little far-fetched and you might be going ‘Oh, Really!’ However, statistics show that long distance couples are now just as happy and content as those living together. This is quite a change from the past and you can rest assured that most of the credit for this can be laid at technology’s doorstep.

Hi, I’m a blogger, social media savvy and graphic designer from Haripur, Pakistan. My favorite food: infographic.

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  1. I also recommend the happycoupleapp! My boyfriend and I use this app to spice up our relationship despite the distance 🙂

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